While on my mission I can be contacted at ashley.lynch@myldsmail.net

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Monday, June 18, 2018

Life Changing

This week has been fantastic! So many miracles have come our way and I could not be happier!

First of all, as a mission we have what are called the standards of excellence. This is a way we can track and be accountable for the work we do each week. Well, this week we reached those standards! In Dublin! All that people said when I was transferred to Dublin was how hard of an area it is. I declare that to be false! It is honestly just like any other area, it's what you make it. I truly have a testimony that whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve! And through that kind of faith, we are seeing miracles!

I want to tell you briefly about a very incredible and life changing experience we had this week. Honestly, this experience about sums up why I chose to come on a mission and why every day is worth it for me. I was on exchanges with Sister Edmunds, who is honestly one of the coolest people I know. We had a blast. But the best part of our day was when we didn't really know where to go. We only had a few minutes, and our plans had in this person a bit out if the way and just thinking about it, it didn't make sense to walk all the way over there with the amount of time we had. But something told us we should, so we listened. In case you are wondering, that something is called the Holy Ghost. And I am so glad we listened. We were only about half way down the street and we hear someone call out to us "Sisters!" We see a man in a garage and as we get closer he says "do you wonder how I know who you are? I used to be mormon." And then we proceeded to have the most wonderful conversation I can ever remember having. He told us about his life, how he walked away from that path, what his life was like now, and how crazy it was that we met him today. He went from being surprised at seeing us, to confused, to realizing there must be a purpose, and then finally to knowing that because of this interaction his life would never be the same. He commented on the power of the spirit he felt in our conversation, the amount of time it's been since he has had the privilege of feeling that, and showed a bit of despair as he told us that he was too far to be able to come back. We testified of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, how there is no where that is out of Christ's reach. He loves us perfectly. No matter where we are in life, if we have a desire to change He will be there to make it possible. And that is exactly what our friend, Raul, wanted to do. He wanted to change to feel the spirit again and find peace and satisfaction in his life. He just kept saying how excited he was to call his son, who he knows has been praying for him. Raul said he will never forget us and the conversation we had, and I know I never will either. It was a great reminder of why I am here and of the reality if our message. The gospel of Jesus Christ changes and saves lives, and it is the only sure way to find peace and safety both in this life and the life to come. I am so grateful that I get to be an instrument in the Lord's hands to spread this life changing message.

Love you all, Just keep smiling.