While on my mission I can be contacted at ashley.lynch@myldsmail.net

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Friday, June 1, 2018

Change is Good

This is going to be a real short one folks! Well, like I said, change is good. That's basically what I have been telling myself all day. We found out that I will be transferred to Dublin, and that is where I will spend my last transfer. It is hard to go. I am going to miss Sister Tobler like crazy! She has become one of my best friends, we have shared so many laughs, experienced some serious challenges, have grown together, and I can honestly say she has changed my life. I am especially sad to go with all the miracles we are experiencing lately.

To be brief, WE FOUND A FAMILY!!!! They are some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. They are so prepared for the gospel and they know it. That brings me the greatest joy, when people can instantly tell that what we have to share is something desirable and can change their life. We met them by what anyone else would call mere chance, but I know it was by divine design. We were led to them because God knows they are ready, that they need the restored gospel, and that we specifically could help them find it. They are just so excited to make these changes in their life and work towards baptism! They are planning to be baptized this next month, and that is a day I wouldn't miss for anything in the world :) 

I think it is amazing how even though as missionaries we change locations so often, we do not have to be worried about losing the bonds we form because they have truly changed us. The experiences we have change our nature and who we are, we will never be the same again and those we meet become a part of us. Even though I only met this wonderful family a week and a half ago, they will be a part of my life forever, along with so many others that I have come to love while serving the people of Ohio :)

 I am ready to face my next adventure head on, and give my all to whatever comes my way!

Have a wonderful week everyone, and just keep smiling!